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New Hotel Guide - Oliver's Travels (Unpublished)

The following is a blog post written for New Hotel Guide's brand mascot- Oliver's Travels. The blog is yet to be published but will be featured on the company website soon. 

Dear Harry,

As I walk down the street, all I can hear are murmurs and complaints about the sweltering heat. It’s a nice change from the usual London doom and gloom though.

I’ve booked my stay at the Beaverbrook Townhouse this time around. Everything is so whimsical and the sun brings out the richness of the bright textures. From the colorful paintings, the green satin curtains, the ruby red nightstand, and the vintage rotary telephone, I feel like I’m in a Matisse painting. When I walk down the halls or even head to the loo, I enter some sort of Alice In Wonderland dreamland. If every rabbit hole was this theatrical and flamboyant, I think I just might fall them all.

I grabbed a bite on the terrace next to the bustling city street, watching the pedestrians walk by and sipping on the most delicious Earl Grey tea. Some prefer milk and sugar, but I love a squeeze of lemon to bring out the citrusy flavor of Earl Grey. I thought I’d head over to the Saatchi Gallery. They’re currently hosting an exquisite Botanical Art and Photography Show– it's fascinating to see how simple greenery can become so enthralling. I mean, where else in the world can you see paintings of Australian Algae and Greek wildflowers?! I know you’re not one for plants and flowers, but my future greenhouse will change your mind. Besides, it’d be good for you to stare at some flowers now and again, they’ll distract you from all that suffering you get from watching Arsenal.

As I walked back to my room ready to get changed, I got a call from Rebecca. Yes, Rebecca.

I know I promised you I wouldn’t see her, but how could I turn her down? London isn’t the same without her and, since you took leave in Zagreb, I thought I’d take the time to see an old friend. It can get a bit lonely on the road.

She conveniently had a whole itinerary planned. It's almost as though she had this whole thing mapped out…

We stopped at Benares for some impeccable Indian cuisine. The wall of smokey, savory curry that hits you as you first enter will never fail to make my mouth salivate. As the hostess guided us to our usual table, I couldn’t help but stare at the tangy masala on the tables passing by. Chef Sameer Taneja greeted us with a bottle of Chardonnay and some Paneer Galoutie Kebabs. What a delight it was to see him again!

Rebecca and I both opted for the Tandoori Chaapein Aur Baingan Chokka; the lamb was incredibly tender and it had just enough spice to spike my taste buds. Naturally, I had to balance out the savory taste with something sweet. I ordered a Pistachio, Dark Chocolate Tart for dessert and my choice couldn’t have been better!

After our meal, we headed over to the Saatchi Gallery. I never miss a great chance for art and, as nighttime was approaching, we had to experience the Saatchi Summer Lates. The gallery was glowing as were her eyes. At that moment, my heart was beating so fast it could’ve ripped out my chest. The seasons may change, but some feelings remain the same forever. I knew I’d made the right choice when I decided to spend the day with her.

Though tomorrow is my last night here, I hope I can see you the next time I visit. Two hotels catch my eye for a November return– the Mandarin Oriental Mayfair and The Whiteley London. I feel as though I’ll end up choosing the Mayfair, as I’ve read that Gwenael Nicolas has designed the whole place. I’m a big fan of his work and can’t stand possibly missing out. Then again, if I’m feeling blue at the time, the Whiteley would be a tremendous holistic hideaway from the world. You can always count on the Six Senses to rejuvenate your mental and spiritual well-being.

Either way, I will be sure to write you again before my stay.

Until next time,

Mr. O